Hekiganroku - Case 75: Ukyu's Blind Stick A monk came from Master Joshu [1] to Ukyu. Ukyu asked, "What is the difference between Joshu's Dharma-way and the Dharma-way here?" The monk said, "There is no difference." Ukyu said, "If there isn't any difference, return to him again," and hit him. The monk said, "Your stick should have an eye. You should not hit a person so recklessly." Ukyu said, "Today I hit a right man," and he hit him three more times. The monk went out immediately. Ukyu said, "There is a fellow who well deserves a blind stick." The monk turned and said, "What shall I do, as the stick is in your hand?" Ukyu said, "If you need it, I will give it to you." The monk approached him, snatched the stick from his hand and hit him three times. Ukyu said, "Blind stick, blind stick!" The monk said, "There is a fellow who well deserves it." Ukyu said, "I have hit a real man quite wantonly." Then the monk promptly made a bow. Ukyu said, "Master, is that all right for you?" The monk laughed loudly and went away. Ukyu said, "Is that right, is that right!" [1]: This is not the famous master Joshu Jushin in the Mumonkan, etc., but Master Joshu Sekizo (718-800).